§ 11-36a-402. Required provisions of impact fee enactment.  

Latest version.
  • (1) A local political subdivision or private entity shall ensure, in addition to the requirements described in Subsections (2) and (3), that an impact fee enactment contains:
    (a) a provision establishing one or more service areas within which the local political subdivision or private entity calculates and imposes impact fees for various land use categories;
    (i) a schedule of impact fees for each type of development activity that specifies the amount of the impact fee to be imposed for each type of system improvement; or
    (ii) the formula that the local political subdivision or private entity, as the case may be, will use to calculate each impact fee;
    (c) a provision authorizing the local political subdivision or private entity, as the case may be, to adjust the standard impact fee at the time the fee is charged to:
    (i) respond to:
    (A) unusual circumstances in specific cases; or
    (B) a request for a prompt and individualized impact fee review for the development activity of the state, a school district, or a charter school and an offset or credit for a public facility for which an impact fee has been or will be collected; and
    (ii) ensure that the impact fees are imposed fairly; and
    (d) a provision governing calculation of the amount of the impact fee to be imposed on a particular development that permits adjustment of the amount of the impact fee based upon studies and data submitted by the developer.
    (2) A local political subdivision or private entity shall ensure that an impact fee enactment allows a developer, including a school district or a charter school, to receive a credit against or proportionate reimbursement of an impact fee if the developer:
    (a) dedicates land for a system improvement;
    (b) builds and dedicates some or all of a system improvement; or
    (c) dedicates a public facility that the local political subdivision or private entity and the developer agree will reduce the need for a system improvement.
    (3) A local political subdivision or private entity shall include a provision in an impact fee enactment that requires a credit against impact fees for any dedication of land for, improvement to, or new construction of, any system improvements provided by the developer if the facilities:
    (a) are system improvements; or
    (i) are dedicated to the public; and
    (ii) offset the need for an identified system improvement.
Enacted by Chapter 47, 2011 General Session